If you are getting the following error - "Warning! Failed to move file" while trying to install an extension in the Extension Manager in Joomla! 3.x. Then it might be due to tmp directory write/ownership issue.
- First make sure that tmp is writable. You can do that by Clicking System-->System Information-->File Permissions. If tmp is not writable, change permissions by chmod-ing permissions of tmp folder recursively to 777.
- If tmp is writable, this issue could have been caused by ownership issue. The tmp folder might have been owned by FTP user and apache cannot write to it as you are trying to do in the extension manager. A simple fix is to delete the tmp folder and try to install the extension in the Extension Manager. If Apache can write to your home folder, it will create a tmp folder that Apache will own and installation of an extension will go through without a problem.
Hope this helps!
I read lots of forum posts and those posts didnt solve my problem. I tried your suggestion (deleting tmp folder), it worked. Thanks a lot
I tried all above and it didn't work.
Do you have any other solution for me?
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