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Installing Mathabx package for latex in Ubuntu


Posted by Arsh | Labels: Latex, Linux, Mathabx, Ubuntu | Posted on Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mathabx is an important symbol library for latex. The full list of available symbols in latex can be found here. Following steps will help one to install mathabx in Ubuntu 9.04.

  1. Download mathabx.zip from the following link.
  2. $ unzip mathabx.zip
  3. $ cd mathabx
  4. $ sudo mkdir $TEXMF/fonts/source/public/mathabx
    In Ubuntu 9.04, TEXMF is /usr/share/texmf-texlive
  5. sudo cp source/*.mf $TEXMF/fonts/source/public/mathabx
  6. sudo cp texinputs/* $TEXMF/tex/generic/misc/
  7. Update the database
    $ sudo texconfig rehash
  8. Update the format file
    $ sudo fmtutil --refresh
  9. When you build your tex document, you might get an error that /Asterisk is defined again - To avoid that, comment the line in mathabx.dcl where /Asterisk is defined.
    $ sudo gedit $TEXMF/tex/generic/misc/mathabx.dcl
    Search for line where /Asterisk is present in mathabx.dcl and put a % sign at the start of the line.
  10. You are all set!